In-house transport

Solutions for the optimisation of the flow of goods

The key elements of transport systems which enable the effective and diversified transport of loads with different shapes and sizes, adapting to specific logistic needs in the production hall.

Roller conveyor

It is mainly used for transporting goods with a regular base and compact design.

It is characteristic for simple structure and a wide application scope. Load is transported by means of rollers driven by a chain supplied with power by a motor-reducer.

Chain conveyor

It is used mainly where a non-uniform base or a significant width of a load does not allow to use roller conveyors.

Load (pallet, crate, container) is positioned perpendicularly to the motion direction, and the load is transported by means of parallel chain segments connected with a shaft driven by the motor- reducer.

Cross conveyor (roller-chain)

It is used in transport systems where the perpendicular change in the load motion direction is required.

The direction is changed by the lifted segments of the driven chain conveyor which collects the load from the roller conveyor.

Roller turntable

It is suitable mainly for pallet transport.

It enables any direction change of the transported goods without a need for changing the type of the conveyor.

Vertical conveyors (pallet lifts)

They are mainly used for the vertical transport of loads on pallets. They are capable of lifting very heavy loads and large size loads.

Their task is to connect and communicate transport lines at different hall levels or different building storeys. Depending on the structure, they may integrate roller and chain transport systems, and discharge pallets in three directions.

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